September 20, 2010

Sick Singles -- Pill "Let Me In"

After having Pill's "Let Me In" run through my different music outlets all day I decided to change Sick Song Saturdays into Sick Singles. I just couldn't wait until the weekend for this. For me, Pill is the type of artist that I am either indifferent to, or completely locked into his songs. There is no middle ground. As this is the only song I have listened to during my trips out today, I'm definitely locked into this one...

Pill's lyrics are brilliant over this ominous beat that Game originally used.  I don't see very many artists painting a better picture on this beat than the one Pill so skillfully lays onto the canvas of your mind. Certainly the original is not up to par and I will not include for your listening pleasure. If you haven't heard of Pill yet, now is a good time to listen. Like I said, it's hit or miss, and this is a hit...

"My knuckles bleeding, I been knocking for hours, I know you see me/ I'm pleading could you just open so I could shower and eat/ It's been weeks/ and I been roaming. No sleep, I thought we was homies/ I'm weak from being hungry, but what the fuck do you care for?/ When I'm down seems like they smile. When I'm up/ feels like they stare more/ Where the fuck is your character? It's resembling shallow"

Pill -- Let Me In (4075: The Refill) 


  1. I take it those lyrics aren't from Phil Collins' new hot single...

  2. No, phil collins new hotness might actually bring down my page if i put it on here. its just too much...

    but seriously... he is still making music?

  3. Unknown. I assume he stopped after the lion king and tarzan since those epics will ever be topped.

    I just saw "Pill" and thought it said "Phil" at first.
