March 10, 2011

My 5 Favorite NBA Players To Watch... Of All Time

Tonight I'm putting up my five favorite players to watch highlights of all time. Yes, this is only players I was alive to watch.

5) Rod Strickland -- Wu Tang is perfect for Rod Strickland. If you dont get it then oh well.

4) Tim Hardaway -- Enough said.

3) Michael Jordan -- Decided to use something different from the normal highlights we see. Ala Jordan defecating on the Knicks.

2) Jason Williams -- Dude was sick on the Griz and Kings. So fun to watch.

1) Allen Iverson --  Come on man, you expected different? Best little man to play the game. When your top play of all time is BETTER than crossing up Jordan, the top spot is always yours.


  1. J Dub was my dude back in the day... I used to love that Kings squad.

  2. Yeah, it's a shame he tried to learn how to play basketball the "right way". He got so much worse.

  3. Same thing in Skip to My Lou's case.
